man sitting worried in front of a slot machine, with a holographic representation of a brain above him symbolizing psychological addiction to gambling
man sitting worried in front of a slot machine, with a holographic representation of a brain above him symbolizing psychological addiction to gambling
man sitting worried in front of a slot machine, with a holographic representation of a brain above him symbolizing psychological addiction to gambling

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20 janv. 2024

Understanding gambling addiction

Gambling addiction is recognized as a serious public health problem in France. This form of dependence considered as a real addiction without substances, often referred to as "ludopathy", manifests itself by an irrepressible desire to play despite the negative consequences for the person concerned and those around them. Gambling can include casino games, sports betting, lotteries, and more recently, online gaming.

Signs of gambling addiction

Signs of possible addiction include increased time and money spent on gambling, repeated lies about the extent of gambling habits, increasing debt, and interference with daily, personal, family or family obligations. professionals.

Where and how to get help?

1. Support groups and therapeutic programs

En France, plusieurs associations offrent soutien et accompagnement aux joueurs compulsifs. L'Association Nationale des Joueurs Anonymes est une de ces structures qui propose des réunions de groupe basées sur le modèle des "12 étapes", similaire à celui des Alcooliques Anonymes.

2. Specialized consultations

Specialized addiction consultations can be found in many public hospitals and private clinics. These services are often integrated into Addictology Care, Support and Prevention Centers (CSAPA), where professionals (psychologists, doctors, social workers) can offer personalized assessments and treatments.

3. Hotlines and online support

La ligne "Joueurs Info Service" offre une écoute, information, et orientation vers des structures de soin par téléphone ou via chat. Cette ligne gratuite permet d'obtenir de l'aide de manière anonyme et est accessible au 09 74 75 13 13.

4. Self-exclusion programs

The Responsible Gaming system in France allows players to voluntarily self-exclude from all approved gaming establishments and online betting sites. This process can be completed online and is a protective measure for those who recognize they have a problem.

Prevention and education

In addition to direct assistance to players, prevention campaigns are regularly carried out to raise public awareness of the dangers of gambling addiction. These campaigns aim to educate young adults, who are often more likely to develop problematic gambling behaviors, about the risks associated with problem gambling.

Gambling addiction is a serious condition that requires a multi-faceted approach to treatment and recovery. In France, through a combination of governmental and non-governmental resources, affected individuals have access to various forms of support. It is crucial to recognize the signs of addiction and seek help as soon as possible to prevent the potentially devastating consequences of this disorder.

Psychological and physiological functioning of gambling addiction

Psychological components of gaming addiction

Gambling addiction, like other forms of addiction, is largely driven by the brain's reward system. Individuals with gambling addiction often experience intense excitement when participating in games. This excitement is due to the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward.

1. Strengthening and Conditioning:

Pathological gambling is reinforced by occasional but unpredictable winnings. These intermittent rewards can lead to compulsive gambling behavior because of their power to condition the brain to pursue these rewarding experiences, despite negative consequences.

2. Escape and pursuit:

Psychologically, many problem gamblers use gambling as a way to escape problems or negative feelings such as anxiety, depression, or stress. The game becomes a form of self-medication, where the player seeks to reproduce pleasant sensations to escape their daily reality.

Physiological components of gambling addiction

Physiologically, gambling addiction can change brain function in ways similar to other addictions. Changes in the brain's reward circuitry may make gamers more sensitive to gaming-related cues and less sensitive to rewards from other daily life experiences.

1. Tolerance and withdrawal:

Over time, gamblers may develop a tolerance to the amounts of money they bet, which may lead them to gamble more and more money to get the same emotional "high." When stopping or reducing gaming, players may experience psychological withdrawal symptoms, such as irritability, depression, and an overwhelming urge to play.

2. Neurological changes:

Studies show that gaming addiction can lead to structural and functional changes in the brain, particularly in areas related to impulse control and decision-making. These changes may compromise a person's ability to resist urges to gamble, even in the presence of obvious negative consequences.

Treatment and recovery

Treatment for gambling addiction often involves a multidisciplinary approach, including cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy, and sometimes medication support to treat co-occurring disorders such as depression or anxiety. The goal is to reduce pathological gambling behaviors, treat underlying psychological issues, and teach strategies for managing gambling impulses.

Understanding the psychological and physiological functioning of gambling addiction is essential to develop effective interventions and provide the necessary support to affected individuals, easing their path to recovery.

The social aspect plays a crucial role when a person tries to get out of a gambling addiction. This social dimension can both present challenges and provide essential supports during the recovery process.

Social Impact of Rehabilitation

Social Reintegration

One of the major steps for a person in recovery is their social reintegration. After a potentially isolating period of addiction, reconnecting with society can be both intimidating and liberating. Regular social interactions encourage the development of a support network, essential for the sustainability of recovery.

Rebuilding Broken Relationships

Addictions can damage family, friendship and professional relationships. Repairing these connections is often a priority for those recovering from gaming addiction. This may involve honest discussions about past problems, participating in family therapy, and working on communication and trust.

Development of a New Support Network

People in recovery are often advised to develop new relationships with individuals who support their efforts to stay away from games. Participating in support groups or community activities can help create a positive environment and reinforce non-gambling behaviors.

Stigma and Social Isolation

The stigma surrounding addiction can be a major barrier. Individuals in recovery may feel judged for their past, which can lead to social isolation. Addressing this stigma is essential, and it may require education and advocacy by both those affected and support organizations.

Participation in Non-Gaming Social Activities

Engaging in activities that do not involve gambling but promote relaxation and enjoyment can help replace gambling habits. Whether sports, art, volunteering or other hobbies, these activities can help to redefine a person's identity beyond their addiction.

It is essential to remember the importance of an empathetic and integrated approach to treating this addiction. Kindness is key to enabling individuals to embark on a lasting healing journey, not only by providing accessible support resources but also by fostering a non-judgmental environment that encourages social reintegration and repair of broken connections . The collective efforts of health services, support groups, and community initiatives are crucial to changing the public perception of this addiction and to providing the tools necessary for those who suffer from it to regain balance and a meaningful life.

Understanding gambling addiction

L'addiction aux jeux d'argent est reconnue comme un problème sérieux de santé publique en France. Cette forme de dépendance considérée comme une réel addiction sans substances, souvent désignée par le terme de "ludopathie", se manifeste par une envie irrépressible de jouer malgré les conséquences négatives pour la personne concernée et son entourage. Les jeux d'argent peuvent inclure les jeux de casino, les paris sportifs, les loteries, et plus récemment, les jeux en ligne.

Signs of gambling addiction

Signs of possible addiction include increased time and money spent on gambling, repeated lies about the extent of gambling habits, increasing debt, and interference with daily, personal, family or family obligations. professionals.

Where and how to get help?

1. Support groups and therapeutic programs

En France, plusieurs associations offrent soutien et accompagnement aux joueurs compulsifs. L'Association Nationale des Joueurs Anonymes est une de ces structures qui propose des réunions de groupe basées sur le modèle des "12 étapes", similaire à celui des Alcooliques Anonymes.

2. Specialized consultations

Specialized addiction consultations can be found in many public hospitals and private clinics. These services are often integrated into Addictology Care, Support and Prevention Centers (CSAPA), where professionals (psychologists, doctors, social workers) can offer personalized assessments and treatments.

3. Hotlines and online support

La ligne "Joueurs Info Service" offre une écoute, information, et orientation vers des structures de soin par téléphone ou via chat. Cette ligne gratuite permet d'obtenir de l'aide de manière anonyme et est accessible au 09 74 75 13 13.

4. Self-exclusion programs

The Responsible Gaming system in France allows players to voluntarily self-exclude from all approved gaming establishments and online betting sites. This process can be completed online and is a protective measure for those who recognize they have a problem.

Prevention and education

In addition to direct assistance to players, prevention campaigns are regularly carried out to raise public awareness of the dangers of gambling addiction. These campaigns aim to educate young adults, who are often more likely to develop problematic gambling behaviors, about the risks associated with problem gambling.

Gambling addiction is a serious condition that requires a multi-faceted approach to treatment and recovery. In France, through a combination of governmental and non-governmental resources, affected individuals have access to various forms of support. It is crucial to recognize the signs of addiction and seek help as soon as possible to prevent the potentially devastating consequences of this disorder.

Psychological and physiological functioning of gambling addiction

Psychological components of gaming addiction

Gambling addiction, like other forms of addiction, is largely driven by the brain's reward system. Individuals with gambling addiction often experience intense excitement when participating in games. This excitement is due to the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward.

1. Strengthening and Conditioning:

Pathological gambling is reinforced by occasional but unpredictable winnings. These intermittent rewards can lead to compulsive gambling behavior because of their power to condition the brain to pursue these rewarding experiences, despite negative consequences.

2. Escape and pursuit:

Psychologically, many problem gamblers use gambling as a way to escape problems or negative feelings such as anxiety, depression, or stress. The game becomes a form of self-medication, where the player seeks to reproduce pleasant sensations to escape their daily reality.

Physiological components of gambling addiction

Physiologically, gambling addiction can change brain function in ways similar to other addictions. Changes in the brain's reward circuitry may make gamers more sensitive to gaming-related cues and less sensitive to rewards from other daily life experiences.

1. Tolerance and withdrawal:

Avec le temps, les joueurs peuvent développer une tolérance aux montants d'argent qu'ils parient, ce qui peut les amener à jouer de plus en plus d'argent pour obtenir le même "high" émotionnel. En cas d'arrêt ou de réduction du jeu, les joueurs peuvent expérimenter des symptômes de sevrage psychologiques, tels que l'irritabilité, la dépression et une envie irrépressible de jouer.

2. Neurological changes:

Studies show that gaming addiction can lead to structural and functional changes in the brain, particularly in areas related to impulse control and decision-making. These changes may compromise a person's ability to resist urges to gamble, even in the presence of obvious negative consequences.

Treatment and recovery

Treatment for gambling addiction often involves a multidisciplinary approach, including cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy, and sometimes medication support to treat co-occurring disorders such as depression or anxiety. The goal is to reduce pathological gambling behaviors, treat underlying psychological issues, and teach strategies for managing gambling impulses.

Understanding the psychological and physiological functioning of gambling addiction is essential to develop effective interventions and provide the necessary support to affected individuals, easing their path to recovery.

The social aspect plays a crucial role when a person tries to get out of a gambling addiction. This social dimension can both present challenges and provide essential supports during the recovery process.

Social Impact of Rehabilitation

Social Reintegration

One of the major steps for a person in recovery is their social reintegration. After a potentially isolating period of addiction, reconnecting with society can be both intimidating and liberating. Regular social interactions encourage the development of a support network, essential for the sustainability of recovery.

Rebuilding Broken Relationships

Addictions can damage family, friendship and professional relationships. Repairing these connections is often a priority for those recovering from gaming addiction. This may involve honest discussions about past problems, participating in family therapy, and working on communication and trust.

Development of a New Support Network

People in recovery are often advised to develop new relationships with individuals who support their efforts to stay away from games. Participating in support groups or community activities can help create a positive environment and reinforce non-gambling behaviors.

Stigma and Social Isolation

The stigma surrounding addiction can be a major barrier. Individuals in recovery may feel judged for their past, which can lead to social isolation. Addressing this stigma is essential, and it may require education and advocacy by both those affected and support organizations.

Participation in Non-Gaming Social Activities

Engaging in activities that do not involve gambling but promote relaxation and enjoyment can help replace gambling habits. Whether sports, art, volunteering or other hobbies, these activities can help to redefine a person's identity beyond their addiction.

It is essential to remember the importance of an empathetic and integrated approach to treating this addiction. Kindness is key to enabling individuals to embark on a lasting healing journey, not only by providing accessible support resources but also by fostering a non-judgmental environment that encourages social reintegration and repair of broken connections . The collective efforts of health services, support groups, and community initiatives are crucial to changing the public perception of this addiction and to providing the tools necessary for those who suffer from it to regain balance and a meaningful life.

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