Casino cheating methods

representation of a card game cheat
representation of a card game cheat
representation of a card game cheat

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Casinos, these temples of gambling and chance, have always been places where you can win a lot of money, but also lose just as much. Since their inception, some players have attempted to circumvent the rules and cheat to increase their chances of winning. Casino cheating methods are many and varied, ranging from dice manipulation to collusion to the use of cutting-edge technology. This article aims to explore these different methods and understand how casinos fight against these illegal practices.

Traditional cheating methods

Traditional casino cheating methods are those that have been practiced for decades, even centuries, and do not require the use of modern technology. These techniques rely on skill, cunning, and hiding from cheaters. Some of the most common traditional cheating methods include dice manipulation, card marking, collusion, false shuffling, and pastposting.

Handling the dice

La manipulation des dés, également appelée "dice sliding" ou "dice setting", est une technique qui consiste à lancer les dés d'une manière particulière pour qu'ils atterrissent sur une combinaison spécifique. Les tricheurs utilisent leur habileté et leur connaissance de la physique des dés pour contrôler le résultat du lancer. Cette méthode de triche est principalement utilisée dans les jeux de craps, où les joueurs parient sur le résultat du lancer de deux dés.

To successfully manipulate the dice, cheaters must master several elements: the handling of the dice, the throwing angle, the force applied and the bounce on the table. They often train for hours to perfect their technique and deceive the vigilance of dealers and surveillance cameras.

Marking the cards

Card marking is a method of cheating that involves discreetly changing the appearance of playing cards to recognize their value or color. Cheaters may use various techniques to mark cards, such as using invisible ink, small nicks, peculiar foldings, or light scratching.

Once cards are marked, cheaters can identify their value and adapt their play accordingly. This cheating method is particularly effective in games where cards are dealt face down, such as poker or blackjack.


Collusion is a method of cheating that involves multiple players working together to deceive the casino. The accomplices exchange information about their cards or their bets, which allows them to increase their chances of winning. This practice is particularly prevalent in poker games, where players can communicate discreetly using pre-established signals.

Les tricheurs peuvent également utiliser des techniques de collusion plus sophistiquées, comme le "card counting" (comptage des cartes) au blackjack. Dans ce cas, les complices se répartissent les rôles : certains jouent à la table et comptent les cartes, tandis que d'autres observent et attendent le moment opportun pour rejoindre la partie et miser gros.

The false mixture

Le faux mélange, ou "false shuffle", est une technique de triche utilisée par les croupiers malhonnêtes pour manipuler l'ordre des cartes dans un jeu. Au lieu de mélanger réellement les cartes, le croupier effectue un faux mélange qui laisse certaines cartes à leur place initiale. Cette méthode permet au croupier et à ses complices de connaître la position de certaines cartes clés et d'adapter leur jeu en conséquence.


Pastposting is a method of cheating that involves adding, changing, or removing bets after the outcome of a game has been determined. Cheaters take advantage of a moment of inattention on the part of the dealer or confusion around the table to make these changes discreetly.

For example, in a game of roulette, a cheater may add chips to the winning number after the ball has stopped, or remove chips from a losing bet. This cheating method requires great skill and a good dose of daring, but it can pay off big if done correctly.

Technological cheating methods

Electronic devices

With the advent of modern technologies, new ways of cheating have emerged. Some cheaters use electronic devices, such as cell phones equipped with special software, to predict the outcomes of gambling games. Others use night vision goggles or hidden cameras to observe cards and dice.

Online cheating

Online casinos are not spared from cheating. Cheaters can use malware to hack casino computer systems and manipulate game results. They can also create multiple accounts to take advantage of bonuses and promotional offers reserved for new players.

The Most Legendary Casino Cheating Stories

Richard Marcus' team of roulette cheaters (1970s-1990s)

Richard Marcus, un ancien tricheur professionnel, a mis au point une technique de triche à la roulette appelée "le coup du savon". Cette méthode consistait à placer des jetons de valeur élevée sur la table après que la bille soit tombée dans un numéro gagnant, tout en dissimulant habilement cette action aux yeux des croupiers et des caméras de surveillance. Marcus utilisait un jeton creux contenant un morceau de savon pour effectuer cette manoeuvre.

Over the years, Marcus built a team of cheaters who roamed casinos around the world using this and other cheating strategies. Marcus's team is estimated to have embezzled several million dollars before finally being unmasked and banned from casinos.

Phil Ivey's Baccarat Cheating (2012)

Phil Ivey, l'un des joueurs de poker les plus célèbres et les plus talentueux au monde, a été impliqué dans une affaire de triche au baccara en 2012. Ivey et une complice, Cheng Yin Sun, ont profité d'un défaut d'impression sur les cartes utilisées dans certains casinos pour identifier les cartes à valeur élevée. Cette technique, appelée "edge sorting", leur a permis de gagner plus de 20 millions de dollars dans plusieurs casinos.

However, the casinos disputed these winnings, arguing that Ivey and Sun used a cheating method to gain an unfair advantage. After a lengthy legal battle, the courts ultimately ruled in favor of the casinos, forcing Ivey to repay the winnings.

Cheating at Craps by Dennis Nikrasch (1970s-1990s)

Dennis Nikrasch, surnommé "le roi des tricheurs", a passé plus de deux décennies à escroquer les casinos en utilisant diverses méthodes de triche, notamment au craps. Nikrasch et son équipe ont développé une technique appelée "le coup du late bet", qui consistait à placer des paris après que les dés aient été lancés et que le résultat soit connu.

To pull off this feat, Nikrasch and his accomplices used distractions, such as fights or false fire alarms, to divert the attention of dealers and security guards. Nikrasch and his team are estimated to have embezzled more than $15 million before being arrested and sentenced to prison.

Ready to do anything to win the jackpot

Casinos have always been a breeding ground for cheating, with methods ranging from traditional techniques to cutting-edge technology. Cheaters show ingenuity and daring to try to circumvent the rules and increase their chances of winning. However, casinos do not remain passive in the face of these illegal practices and are putting in place various measures to combat cheating, both in their physical establishments and in online casinos.

The stories of legendary cheaters, like those of Richard Marcus, Phil Ivey or Dennis Nikrasch, show that cheating at the casino can sometimes bring big profits, but also lead to serious consequences. Thus, it is essential for players to follow the rules and enjoy gambling responsibly and ethically, in order to preserve the integrity and fairness of casinos for all participants.

Casinos, these temples of gambling and chance, have always been places where you can win a lot of money, but also lose just as much. Since their inception, some players have attempted to circumvent the rules and cheat to increase their chances of winning. Casino cheating methods are many and varied, ranging from dice manipulation to collusion to the use of cutting-edge technology. This article aims to explore these different methods and understand how casinos fight against these illegal practices.

Traditional cheating methods

Traditional casino cheating methods are those that have been practiced for decades, even centuries, and do not require the use of modern technology. These techniques rely on skill, cunning, and hiding from cheaters. Some of the most common traditional cheating methods include dice manipulation, card marking, collusion, false shuffling, and pastposting.

Handling the dice

La manipulation des dés, également appelée "dice sliding" ou "dice setting", est une technique qui consiste à lancer les dés d'une manière particulière pour qu'ils atterrissent sur une combinaison spécifique. Les tricheurs utilisent leur habileté et leur connaissance de la physique des dés pour contrôler le résultat du lancer. Cette méthode de triche est principalement utilisée dans les jeux de craps, où les joueurs parient sur le résultat du lancer de deux dés.

To successfully manipulate the dice, cheaters must master several elements: the handling of the dice, the throwing angle, the force applied and the bounce on the table. They often train for hours to perfect their technique and deceive the vigilance of dealers and surveillance cameras.

Marking the cards

Card marking is a method of cheating that involves discreetly changing the appearance of playing cards to recognize their value or color. Cheaters may use various techniques to mark cards, such as using invisible ink, small nicks, peculiar foldings, or light scratching.

Once cards are marked, cheaters can identify their value and adapt their play accordingly. This cheating method is particularly effective in games where cards are dealt face down, such as poker or blackjack.


Collusion is a method of cheating that involves multiple players working together to deceive the casino. The accomplices exchange information about their cards or their bets, which allows them to increase their chances of winning. This practice is particularly prevalent in poker games, where players can communicate discreetly using pre-established signals.

Les tricheurs peuvent également utiliser des techniques de collusion plus sophistiquées, comme le "card counting" (comptage des cartes) au blackjack. Dans ce cas, les complices se répartissent les rôles : certains jouent à la table et comptent les cartes, tandis que d'autres observent et attendent le moment opportun pour rejoindre la partie et miser gros.

The false mixture

Le faux mélange, ou "false shuffle", est une technique de triche utilisée par les croupiers malhonnêtes pour manipuler l'ordre des cartes dans un jeu. Au lieu de mélanger réellement les cartes, le croupier effectue un faux mélange qui laisse certaines cartes à leur place initiale. Cette méthode permet au croupier et à ses complices de connaître la position de certaines cartes clés et d'adapter leur jeu en conséquence.


Pastposting is a method of cheating that involves adding, changing, or removing bets after the outcome of a game has been determined. Cheaters take advantage of a moment of inattention on the part of the dealer or confusion around the table to make these changes discreetly.

For example, in a game of roulette, a cheater may add chips to the winning number after the ball has stopped, or remove chips from a losing bet. This cheating method requires great skill and a good dose of daring, but it can pay off big if done correctly.

Technological cheating methods

Electronic devices

With the advent of modern technologies, new ways of cheating have emerged. Some cheaters use electronic devices, such as cell phones equipped with special software, to predict the outcomes of gambling games. Others use night vision goggles or hidden cameras to observe cards and dice.

Online cheating

Online casinos are not spared from cheating. Cheaters can use malware to hack casino computer systems and manipulate game results. They can also create multiple accounts to take advantage of bonuses and promotional offers reserved for new players.

The Most Legendary Casino Cheating Stories

Richard Marcus' team of roulette cheaters (1970s-1990s)

Richard Marcus, un ancien tricheur professionnel, a mis au point une technique de triche à la roulette appelée "le coup du savon". Cette méthode consistait à placer des jetons de valeur élevée sur la table après que la bille soit tombée dans un numéro gagnant, tout en dissimulant habilement cette action aux yeux des croupiers et des caméras de surveillance. Marcus utilisait un jeton creux contenant un morceau de savon pour effectuer cette manoeuvre.

Over the years, Marcus built a team of cheaters who roamed casinos around the world using this and other cheating strategies. Marcus's team is estimated to have embezzled several million dollars before finally being unmasked and banned from casinos.

Phil Ivey's Baccarat Cheating (2012)

Phil Ivey, l'un des joueurs de poker les plus célèbres et les plus talentueux au monde, a été impliqué dans une affaire de triche au baccara en 2012. Ivey et une complice, Cheng Yin Sun, ont profité d'un défaut d'impression sur les cartes utilisées dans certains casinos pour identifier les cartes à valeur élevée. Cette technique, appelée "edge sorting", leur a permis de gagner plus de 20 millions de dollars dans plusieurs casinos.

However, the casinos disputed these winnings, arguing that Ivey and Sun used a cheating method to gain an unfair advantage. After a lengthy legal battle, the courts ultimately ruled in favor of the casinos, forcing Ivey to repay the winnings.

Cheating at Craps by Dennis Nikrasch (1970s-1990s)

Dennis Nikrasch, surnommé "le roi des tricheurs", a passé plus de deux décennies à escroquer les casinos en utilisant diverses méthodes de triche, notamment au craps. Nikrasch et son équipe ont développé une technique appelée "le coup du late bet", qui consistait à placer des paris après que les dés aient été lancés et que le résultat soit connu.

To pull off this feat, Nikrasch and his accomplices used distractions, such as fights or false fire alarms, to divert the attention of dealers and security guards. Nikrasch and his team are estimated to have embezzled more than $15 million before being arrested and sentenced to prison.

Ready to do anything to win the jackpot

Casinos have always been a breeding ground for cheating, with methods ranging from traditional techniques to cutting-edge technology. Cheaters show ingenuity and daring to try to circumvent the rules and increase their chances of winning. However, casinos do not remain passive in the face of these illegal practices and are putting in place various measures to combat cheating, both in their physical establishments and in online casinos.

The stories of legendary cheaters, like those of Richard Marcus, Phil Ivey or Dennis Nikrasch, show that cheating at the casino can sometimes bring big profits, but also lead to serious consequences. Thus, it is essential for players to follow the rules and enjoy gambling responsibly and ethically, in order to preserve the integrity and fairness of casinos for all participants.

We advise you to play within the rules, and winning the jackpot is also possible at online casinos and their welcome bonus !

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