Perspectives on Return to Player Rates and Money Laundering

Illustration article 7 TRJ and Money Laundering?
Illustration article 7 TRJ and Money Laundering?
Illustration article 7 TRJ and Money Laundering?

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19 mai 2024

Return to Player Rate (RTP) is often discussed for its role in the attractiveness and fairness of casino games, but there are concerns about its potential exploitation in money laundering activities. Let's examine these concerns based on expert testimony collected at various conferences.

Background and Concerns:

RTR, as a percentage of stakes returned to players, can theoretically be manipulated to facilitate money laundering. However, this perspective is often more complex than it seems. According to Jean-François Vilotte, former president of ARJEL, although TRJ may be a factor in laundering strategies, the reality is that most regulated operators maintain rigorous monitoring to prevent such uses.

Expert Testimonials:

During the hearings, experts highlighted that although TRJ can be an exploitable element for money laundering, concrete cases are relatively rare and often associated with unregulated games or illegal operations. Legal and regulated games are generally designed to prevent such practices through regular audits and strict compliance checks.

Prevention and Regulation Measures:

Regulators, such as ARJEL, have put in place rigorous measures to monitor the TRJ and detect any anomalies that could indicate money laundering attempts. These measures include systematic checks of gaming software, regular financial audits and close collaboration with financial bodies to trace transaction flows.

The TRACFIN system (Intelligence Processing and Action against Clandestine Financial Circuits):

Plays a crucial role in combating money laundering in the gambling industry. Led by Jean-Baptiste Carpentier, TRACFIN is responsible for collecting and analyzing financial information to prevent and detect illicit activities. According to Carpentier, the effectiveness of TRJ regulation is reinforced by rigorous monitoring mechanisms put in place by TRACFIN. These mechanisms include enhanced due diligence obligations for gaming operators, in particular the obligation to know the winners for amounts exceeding €5,000, and the in-depth examination of complex financial transactions or unusually high amounts. Gaming operators must also make suspicious transaction reports to TRACFIN when they identify suspicious transactions. This close cooperation between gaming regulators and TRACFIN is essential to prevent the use of gambling as a means of laundering illicit funds, by ensuring increased traceability and transparency in financial flows associated with gaming activities.


Although TRJ can theoretically be used in money laundering strategies, the strict oversight and regulation in the regulated gambling industry minimizes this risk. Debates and expert testimony show that maintaining accountable and transparent gaming systems is crucial to preventing gaming mechanics like TRJ from being exploited in illegal activities.

Return to Player Rate (RTP) is often discussed for its role in the attractiveness and fairness of casino games, but there are concerns about its potential exploitation in money laundering activities. Let's examine these concerns based on expert testimony collected at various conferences.

Background and Concerns:

RTR, as a percentage of stakes returned to players, can theoretically be manipulated to facilitate money laundering. However, this perspective is often more complex than it seems. According to Jean-François Vilotte, former president of ARJEL, although TRJ may be a factor in laundering strategies, the reality is that most regulated operators maintain rigorous monitoring to prevent such uses.

Expert Testimonials:

During the hearings, experts highlighted that although TRJ can be an exploitable element for money laundering, concrete cases are relatively rare and often associated with unregulated games or illegal operations. Legal and regulated games are generally designed to prevent such practices through regular audits and strict compliance checks.

Prevention and Regulation Measures:

Regulators, such as ARJEL, have put in place rigorous measures to monitor the TRJ and detect any anomalies that could indicate money laundering attempts. These measures include systematic checks of gaming software, regular financial audits and close collaboration with financial bodies to trace transaction flows.

The TRACFIN system (Intelligence Processing and Action against Clandestine Financial Circuits):

Plays a crucial role in combating money laundering in the gambling industry. Led by Jean-Baptiste Carpentier, TRACFIN is responsible for collecting and analyzing financial information to prevent and detect illicit activities. According to Carpentier, the effectiveness of TRJ regulation is reinforced by rigorous monitoring mechanisms put in place by TRACFIN. These mechanisms include enhanced due diligence obligations for gaming operators, in particular the obligation to know the winners for amounts exceeding €5,000, and the in-depth examination of complex financial transactions or unusually high amounts. Gaming operators must also make suspicious transaction reports to TRACFIN when they identify suspicious transactions. This close cooperation between gaming regulators and TRACFIN is essential to prevent the use of gambling as a means of laundering illicit funds, by ensuring increased traceability and transparency in financial flows associated with gaming activities.


Although TRJ can theoretically be used in money laundering strategies, the strict oversight and regulation in the regulated gambling industry minimizes this risk. Debates and expert testimony show that maintaining accountable and transparent gaming systems is crucial to preventing gaming mechanics like TRJ from being exploited in illegal activities.

To continue finding out:

<p class="framer-text framer-styles-preset-1j8gw70"><<Return to: <a class="framer-text framer-styles-preset-1rtnrcy" href="./surveillance-et-controle-du-trj-par-les-regulateurs">Monitoring and Control of TRJ by Regulators</a></p>

>>> Toward: The Risks and Consequences of Non-Compliance with the Redistribution Rate (TRJ)

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