The 8 Fortuna analysis method

Thanks to our years of experience dans the casino sector en line, nous avons the habit

de tester slot machines avant de present them à notre fidèle communauté de joueurs.

With our experience in the world of online casinos for many years, we have made it a habit to test a gaming establishment from every angle before offering it to our loyal community of players.

Nos experts sont highly qualifiés pour identify the quality of online gaming platforms

et areas for improvement et ont développé un système de very thorough testing dans le seul but de

vous provide the best advice possible.

Our experts are extremely qualified pour déceler les qualités et les points à améliorer sur les

online gaming platforms and have developed a very specific testing system, with one and only goal: to give you the best possible opinion.

Nous allons à présent vous dévoiler our secret recipe qui nous permet d'effectuer les reviews

the most precise on the market.

Nous allons à présent vous dévoiler our secret recipe qui nous permet d'effectuer les reviews les plus précises du marché.

We will talk about the different checks we carry out, the rating system

that we have set up and our casino specialists.

We will talk about the different checks we carry out, the rating system we have put in place and our casino specialists.

What do we analyze about online casinos?

Nous analysons tout ce qui se passe sur the platform : nous discutons du design,

games offered, new features, original features and

de ce qui differentiates the sites de la concurrence.

We analyze everything that happens on the platforms: we talk about design, games

proposed, new features, original features and what allows the different sites to stand out from the competition.

Dans chacune des pages d'analyse , nous let's start with notre avis overall avant d'évoquer

welcome bonuses, regular offers and promotions.

Dans chaque review, nous donnons dans un premier temps our general opinion , avant de parler du bonus de bienvenue, des offres régulières et des promotions.

It is then time de being interested in toutes les existing businesses

ainsi as to service providers.

Then comes the time to present all the creations present, as well as the services offered.

We find it wise to continue with payment methods, which are very

important for players, highlighting the transaction process, as well as the limits

deposit and withdrawal.

We find it wise to continue with payment methods, which are very important elements for players, by highlighting the transaction process, as well as deposit and withdrawal limits.

Finally, we discuss security, customer service and registration at different online casinos

to give you all the most important information.

Tout au long de notre review, we give you valuable advice pour faciliter votre


Tout au long de notre review, we give you valuable advice pour faciliter votre acclimatation.

How do we test casinos?

We first look at the opinions of other players and the information of the casino concerned

on the Internet.

We first look at the opinions of other players and the information of the casino concerned on the Internet.

Our experts will now reveal to you the different steps carried out to test casinos in

long and wide. Here are the most important points we will cover:

Our experts will now reveal to you the different steps taken to test the casinos in detail. Here are the most important points we will cover:

Checking the gaming license

Discovering the home page

Analysis of terms and conditions

Reviewing the game catalog

Welcome bonus and promotions

Registration on the site

Exchanges with customer service

Deposits and withdrawals