Stakes: Guide and Review of This Online Casino
The experts from 8Fortuna have this time turned their attention to the Stakes casino! A platform that 'suffers' in comparison to Stake, which is very active, especially on social media. Nonetheless, Stakes has a lot to offer. Whether it's regarding its welcome bonus or its well-stocked catalog, this platform deserves your time and consideration. In this guide, you will find everything from our teams' experience with this online casino. A transparent and honest guide about a casino that has everything to win you over!
Bonuses and Promotions at Stakes
Welcome Bonus
Like all other online casinos, Stakes offers a welcome package to all newly registered players on its platform. This bonus, our experts find to be fair though not incredible. However, it deserves to exist and is even more interesting than others, which are much less attractive.
At Stakes, the welcome bonus is 100%, up to 500 euros, plus 100 free spins on Book of Dead. This is only available on the first deposit. The money, whether it comes from the bonus or the winnings from the free spins, is subject to a wager of x40, which is quite high.
Other Regular Bonuses and Promotions
Where Stakes excels is in the area of regular bonuses and promotions. It’s simple, absolutely every day, the platform allows you to take advantage of certain benefits. Here, upon registering, is what you can be entitled to:
Crazy Spins (Monday): for each deposit made on Monday, between 5 PM and 10 PM, of a minimum amount of 50 euros, you will receive 15 free spins. For deposits of more than 100 euros, you will be awarded 25 free spins!
Safari Bonus (Tuesday): on Tuesday, if you make two deposits, you will receive a 50% bonus (100% for VIPs), up to 75 euros.
Happy Wednesday: for each deposit you make between 5 PM and 10 PM, you will receive a 30% bonus, up to 50 euros.
The Big Bang (Thursday): if you make 3 deposits of a minimum of 30 euros, you will receive 30 free spins.
Bonus Island (Friday): you can receive up to 50% of the amount spent, depending on its amount.
Cocktail Bonus (Saturday): you will receive 30%, up to 100 euros (150 for VIPs), on the first two deposits made that day, regardless of the time.
Sunday Brunch: you will receive a 25% bonus, up to 50 euros, for deposits made between 1 PM and 9 PM.
VIP Program at Stakes
You will understand, by getting informed about the bonuses and regular promotions, Stakes is an online casino that offers an accessible VIP program for everyone. This status allows you to benefit from specific conditions, advantages, and bonuses… Unfortunately, there is very little information on the subject. If you wish to learn more, you will need to contact customer support. Moreover, only customer service members are authorized to guarantee you access to the VIP program.
Customer Service and FAQ Page on Stakes
What about the customer service? Our teams found it particularly effective, especially since it is possible to reach out to them in French. It’s very simple, quick, and above all, super intuitive. There’s no need to take the time to think about the wording of your question or to translate it.
The Stakes customer service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via live chat (you’ll see very quickly if someone is available at that moment). This is a real positive point, as at any time of day or night, you will get a response to your question. A question you can ask via:
live chat
contact form
email, at the following address:
Slot Machines, Table Games, and Live Casino on Stakes
Slot Machines
On Stakes, you will find a nice selection of slot machines. This is even the most represented segment on the platform. All the major providers are represented (Microgaming, Evolution, NetEnt, Play’n Go…), which ensures you a wide choice, whether in terms of themes (adventure, sport, history, horror…) or winnings (classic slots, jackpots…).
Among those that have caught our attention, we find:
Gates of Olympus
Fruit Party,
Sweet Bonanza,
Blue Samurai.
Table Games
Stakes also offers table games! Blackjack, roulette, poker, and baccarat are notably represented on the platform. These are computer-animated games, so you will probably not feel the excitement that one can experience in a physical casino or live casino, but this option is rather interesting if you want to focus on the game and your strategy, without being necessarily interrupted by a dealer or players who can break the pace.
Live Casino
The live casino option is a gaming option that is sure to appeal to those who absolutely want to feel the excitement possible in a physical casino.
Here, the games are hosted or presented by dealers, live. Everything is broadcast via a streaming feed. The result is a truly enjoyable experience, as you are playing against a real person, surrounded by real individuals.
Among the games offered, you will find live animated table games, but also TV games, such as Cash or Crash, Monopoly Live… The excitement is total, so be careful to control yourselves!
How to Make a Payment on Stakes?
What about the payments? How to make a deposit or withdrawal quickly and securely on Stakes?
Making a Deposit on Stakes
To make a deposit on Stakes, it couldn't be easier. The platform has thought of everything to simplify life for its users. After registering, you simply need to log in to your account and click successively on the “Bank” tab and then “Deposit”.
You will then have the choice of several deposit methods:
credit card: Visa and Mastercard,
prepaid card: cashlib, neosurf, paysafecard,
e-wallet: skrill, neteller,
bank transfer.
You may have noticed that it is not possible to use cryptocurrency. A real downside to the overall offering.
Making a Withdrawal on Stakes
To make a withdrawal, once again, nothing really difficult. You just need to go to the “Bank” page and click on “Withdrawal”. Here are the different methods available to withdraw your winnings:
credit card: Visa and Mastercard,
e-wallet: skrill, neteller,
bank transfer.
Our experts have been categorical: the options are severely lacking. What a shame not to be able to make a withdrawal in cryptocurrencies!
On the positive side, the minimum amount is only 20 euros and the validation times do not exceed 48 hours, so you won't have to wait too long.
Reviews from Former Players on Stakes
It is very easy to find reviews from former players about Stakes online. Here are some examples that we have retained:
"Stakes Casino is a real revelation for online gaming enthusiasts. With an impressive selection of games ranging from slot machines to table games and even live games, there is something for everyone. Additionally, the casino collaborates with many renowned software providers, which ensures exceptional quality and diversity. Customer service is also a strong point: responsive and efficient, it quickly answers all questions and resolves issues in record time. A truly enjoyable gaming experience!"
"Stakes Casino offers an overall positive gaming experience with a wide range of games and responsive customer service. However, a notable downside is the lack of cryptocurrency payment options. In a world where cryptocurrencies are gaining popularity, this absence can be a drawback for some players who prefer this payment method for its speed and security. Despite this, the casino remains a solid option for those looking for a reliable and entertaining platform."
How to register on Stakes?
Is Stakes a casino that interests you? To register in just a few minutes, here’s how to proceed. Once on the homepage, click on the “Create an account” button, at the top right of the screen. You will then need to provide:
your identity (first name, last name),
your date of birth,
your mailing address,
your email address,
a password,
your preferred currency,
your phone number.
Confirm that you have read the gaming conditions as well as your age, then click on “Continue”.
That’s pretty much it. After that, you will simply need to make a deposit to enjoy the bonus and you can start playing.
Conclusion on Stakes Casino
Stakes Casino is undoubtedly a good online casino. The welcome bonus is pretty good, promotions are offered daily, and the customer service is very efficient. The only downside is the payment methods, which in our opinion, are not up to par. Indeed, the option to pay in cryptocurrency is missing, which may end up deterring some players who appreciate this payment method, whether for its speed or its discretion.